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Raman Spectroscopy - 785 & 532

Improved Signal from Suspended Solids


Blaze Raman Improves signal from dispersed phase solids. Depending on the conditions, the Blaze can substantially increase the solids (vs Liquid) signal captured dynamically in process. This enables users to better identify small volumes and/or track small changes in suspended particles such as polymorphs, solvates, hydrates, & particulate impurities; as well as better differentiate particle types in multiple component systems. A complement to Kaiser, Tornado, Wasatch and other Raman spectroscopy: The Blaze attaches directly to the Raman spectrometer, sending the Raman shifted light directly to the spectrometer. Spectrometers may be supplied via Blaze, directly from the Spectrometer Manufacture, or a pre-existing system at the user site. Spectroscopy systems are not created equal, please contact Blaze for optical match (Blaze-Spectrometer compatibility) and both hardware and software connectivity information for your spectrometer choice.

Blaze Raman: 9 Unique Features 

  1. Critical Advanced Safety Features

  2. Improved Suspended Solids signal, often enabling

  3. Combined PAT for improved process understanding

    • From using Blaze Turbidity to linearize the Raman Intensity signal improving precision of spectral transitions, to simply understanding window coating with Blaze Microscopy to understand its impact on Raman; combined technologies have many advantages.

  4. Both 532nm and 785nm Excited Raman capability in a single Probe

  5. Integration of both excitation sources enabling 400mW for 785nm out the window and advanced software integration.

  6. Software Enabling Alternating or Simultaneous Microscopy and Raman, where necessary, to avoid crosstalk between PAT.

  7. Optional Class 1M Raman vs the traditional 3B

  8. Optically Reduced Fluorescence, though minimal, at times can make a difference between success and failure

Disadvantages of using Blaze Raman Technology

   9. A reduced signal due to the optical advantages that enable improved dispersed phase signal and reduced fluorescence.

Same API Slurry; Baseline-Corrected; Unsmoothed Spectra Expanded in Fingerprint Region (NOTE: Results are process dependent)

Blaze Particle Focused Raman vs Ball Probe

Blaze improved signal from suspended solids:
Kaiser probe liquid dominated signal:

Note Y Axis: Due to its excitation method and measurement zone, and the poor optical match with the standard Kaiser connection fibers used in this example above, Blaze has less overall signal with a much higher ratio of Raman from the solids.  This has been improved with Kaiser's PhAT conduit connection to the Blaze channel.  For dispersed phase systems, when Blaze has a good optical match with the spectrometer, the dispersed phase signal is often beyond that of other probes as shown below.

Next Generation Safety 

785nm Laser Safety

  • Individual Key Lock

  • Mechanical Shutter

  • Invisible 785nm will always run with at least a small amount of visible 532nm to assure the user knows the lasers are enabled

532nm Laser Safety

  • Individual Key Lock

  • Mechanical Shutter

Internal Lasers Enabling Enhanced Performance

785nm Laser Features


  • Enables best in class power out the window for excitation of approximately 400mW​

  • Simultaneous and automatic alternating 532/785 Raman acquisition with the Blaze splitter option

532nm Laser Features


  • Enables power out the window for excitation of approximately 60mW​

  • Simultaneous 532/785 Raman acquisition with our splitter option

Particle Focused Raman: Limited Depth Measurement Volume

  • Blaze limited depth of field measurement zone improves the linearity of Blaze Raman signal over changes in dispersed phase concentration and particle size (solids loading/size). This is the same improvement we see in CLD & Turbidity space over old and new competitive tools.​ The amount of the advantage is particle system dependent.

  • Combined analytics allows Blaze users to take this one step further. ie  Using the Turbidity to correct for the surface area related Raman response (as the solids loading and/or size changes) can substantially improve the linear response of the chemical change under investigation.

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