Single Probe with multiple
measurement technologies:
Operational at any solids concentration or color of material
Plus all BlazeBasic Tools
A BlazeMicro (1mm diameter Image) and a BlazeMeso (320µm diameter Image) in the same reactor in the same position, observing the same material, at essentially the same time, showing two different perspectives, both right.
Same place, same time, Meso vs Micro
BlazeMicro Zoomed in to BlazeMeso Image size
950µm Image Size
< 1µm Resolution
< 465 nanometer Detection
2.15 pixels/µm Resolution
320µm Image Size
540 nanometer Resolution
<157 nanometer Detection
6.37 pixels/µm Resolution
Blaze Image Derived Chord Length Distributions (ID-CLD) provide distributions and trends familiar to thousands of process development experts but with substantially improved linearity, precision, accuracy and repeatability from substantially lower particle count to substantially higher solids loading over changing dispersed phase properties (solids concentration/size/shape/surface/translucent-opacity). These improvements lead to better and faster process understanding and hence shorter development times and often better and more robust processes.
Meso < 400nm resolution; 320um Image Size | Micro < 1µm resolution; 905um Image Size | Milli < 6µm resolution; 5.2mm Image Size
Blaze high contrast, high resolution, & high dynamic range in-process microscopy enables a next generation understanding of single & multiple dispersed phase particle systems at the highest solids, smallest particle sizes, and widest range of particle composition types.
Extends the measurable range between the minimum detectable value of back-scattered light (no to low dispersed phase i.e. earlier cloud point detection vs traditional tools) to the largest amount of back-scattered light (highest dispersed phase concentration with the smallest particle sizes -- hence the most scattering surface area -- i.e. detecting attrition or size reduction at the highest solids loading and smallest sizes).
Optional Technology Additions in a Single Probe
Improves signal from suspended solids. Depending on the conditions, the Blaze can substantially increase the solids signal captured dynamically in process. This enables users to better identify small volumes and/or track small changes in polymorphs, solvates, hydrates, & particulate impurities; as well as better differentiate particle types in multiple component systems. Blaze Raman pairs with most spectrometers.
Blaze Raman
Standard Raman
PG Polar is in real time & in process at the same time we are taking our standard dark field (gray scale) microscopy, HDR Turbidity, and both 532 and 785 nm excited Raman. PG Polar can greatly improve visualization as well provide transitional information never before available.
Interchangeable/Detachable probe system:
For probes used in different locations, i.e. Isolation Chambers
Easy exchange between Probe Image Size/Resolution
Easy exchange Probe Sizes & construction material
Easy service and upgrades
This capability, much like switching microscope objectives, allows a single BlazePAT system to appropriately address a wider range of application at a greatly reduced cost over purchasing a second system.
The Blaze patented single optical path technology allows multiple analytical technologies to simultaneously utilize the same optical path. This creates both an enabling combination of measurement tools while reducing the cost of ownership through reduced capital costs, installation costs, maintenance costs, and utilization costs. Combined with other Blaze exclusive IP, Blaze probes provide best-in-class process analytical technology.